Joe: Alright, so what do we got happening in 1 Corinthians 16?
Bible Expert: Well, the apostle Paul is giving instructions to the church in Corinth on how to take up a collection for the poor among them. He also encourages them to be on guard against false teachers and to maintain a spirit of unity.
Joe: Woah, ok, so what’s the collection for?
Bible Expert: The collection is for the poor among them, which Paul refers to as the “saints”. He is asking the Corinthians to make sure that the collection is done in a proper manner, with all members contributing to it.
Joe: I see, and what about the false teachers?
Bible Expert: Paul is warning the Corinthians to be on guard against false teachers and to maintain a spirit of unity. He is urging them to keep their focus on Jesus and to reject any teachings that are contrary to the gospel.
Joe: Interesting stuff. This is really good stuff. So Jamie, give us a quick summary of 1 Corinthians 16.
Jamie: Sure, Joe. In 1 Corinthians 16, Paul is giving instructions to the church in Corinth on how to take up a collection for the poor among them and is warning them to be on guard against false teachers and to maintain a spirit of unity.