Joe: Alright, so we've got a Bible expert in the house. Let's get right into it. What's 1 Corinthians 10 all about?
Bible Expert: Well, 1 Corinthians 10 is a warning against idolatry and immorality. It follows a long discussion in the previous chapter about the proper use of spiritual gifts, and how the Corinthians should be careful not to misuse their gifts.
Joe: Okay, so what else is in this chapter?
Bible Expert: The chapter is full of analogies and warnings. It talks about the Israelites in the wilderness and how they were tempted to worship idols and engage in immorality. It talks about how the Corinthians should be careful to not fall into the same temptations. It also talks about how our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, so we should be careful to not engage in immorality.
Joe: Woah, okay. That's pretty heavy stuff. So, what else?
Bible Expert: The chapter also talks about how we should be careful not to put any stumbling blocks in the way of others, and how we should be careful not to cause our brothers and sisters to stumble.
Joe: Interesting. Anything else?
Bible Expert: Yes, the chapter also talks about how we should be careful not to seek after things that are not of God, and how we should be careful not to put ourselves in a situation where we are likely to be tempted.
Joe: Alright, so it sounds like this chapter is full of pretty deep stuff. Anything else we should know?
Bible Expert: Well, the chapter ends with a very important reminder: whatever we do, we should do it all to the glory of God.