Chapter 1
Joe: Alright, alright, alright, I'm so excited to have this Bible Expert on the show today! So tell us what you know about Romans 1. Bible Expert: Well, Romans 1 starts off by Paul introducing himself as an apostle, sent by God to preach the Gospel to the Roman people. →
Chapter 2
Joe: So what's going on in Romans 2? Bible Expert: Well, Romans 2 is Paul's letter to the Romans confronting them on their judgmental behavior. Paul starts off by saying that we all have sinned, and that God will judge us based on our actions. →
Chapter 3
Joe: Alright alright, let's dive into Romans 3. So, what's going on here? Bible Expert: Right, so Romans 3 is about the sinfulness of humanity and how it affects our relationship with God. Paul makes the point that no one is just or righteous in God's eyes, and that all have sinned and fall short of His glory. →
Chapter 4
Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Romans 4. What's it all about? Bible Expert: Well, Romans 4 is all about faith and righteousness. It begins by talking about how Abraham was declared righteous because of his faith in God and not because of any works he did. →
Chapter 5
Joe: Alright, so Romans 5. What's the skinny here? Bible Expert: Well, Romans 5 is all about the power of grace. It talks about how we can be made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ, and how that can bring us peace with God and hope for eternity. →
Chapter 6
Joe: Alright, so what have we got here? Bible Expert: Romans 6. Joe: Wow, that's a big one! So, what's it all about? Bible Expert: Well, this chapter is all about the implications of being baptized into Christ's death. →
Chapter 7
Joe: Alright, so, you're gonna tell us about the book of Romans, chapter 7? What can you tell us? Bible Expert: Sure! So, Romans 7 is all about the Law and how it relates to the Christian faith. Paul is talking about how the Law is good but it can't save us from our sins. →
Chapter 8
Joe: Alright, so Romans 8. Tell me about it. Bible Expert: Well, Romans 8 is all about God's great love for us and how it impacts our lives. It talks about how we are freed from the law of sin and death and how we can now walk according to the Spirit of God. →
Chapter 9
Joe: Alright, so we have a Bible expert on the show today. Welcome to the podcast! Expert: Thank you, Joe. It's a pleasure to be here. Joe: Alright, so what's the chapter we're talking about today? Expert: Today we're talking about Romans 9. →
Chapter 10
Joe: Alright, so what do you got for us today? Bible Expert: Ah, yes. Romans 10. This chapter outlines the importance of faith in Jesus Christ and how it's the only way of salvation. Joe: So you're saying that faith in Jesus is the only way to be saved? →
Chapter 11
Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Romans 11. What's it all about? Bible Expert: Well, Romans 11 is about God's plan for the salvation of the Gentiles and the Jews. Paul is writing to the church in Rome, and he's explaining how God has chosen to save both Jews and Gentiles. →
Chapter 12
Joe: Alright, so we are talking about Romans 12 and I'm here with Bible Expert Bob. So what's the deal with this chapter? Bob: Well, Joe, in this chapter Paul is calling the believers in Rome to a life of holiness, self-sacrifice, and love. →
Chapter 13
Joe: Alright, so what's the deal with Romans 13? Bible Expert: Well, Romans 13 is all about being subject to the governing authorities. It says that we should obey them because they have been put in place by God and they are God's servants. →
Chapter 14
Joe: Alright, so what about Romans 14? Bible Expert: Well, Romans 14 talks about how it is important to accept one another even if we have differences in opinion or beliefs. It talks about how we should not judge each other, and how we should be mindful of the fact that we all serve the same God. →
Chapter 15
Joe: Alright! So, tell us about Romans 15. Bible Expert: Romans 15 is a very important chapter in the Bible. It focuses on the unity of the Church and how believers should strive to be like-minded and accept one another. →
Chapter 16
Joe: Alright, so we're on to Romans 16! What's this one about? Bible Expert: Well, it's kind of a grab-bag of instructions and greetings. Paul opens the chapter by introducing Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchrea. →