Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Romans 11. What's it all about?
Bible Expert: Well, Romans 11 is about God's plan for the salvation of the Gentiles and the Jews. Paul is writing to the church in Rome, and he's explaining how God has chosen to save both Jews and Gentiles. He also talks about how God has set aside a remnant of Jews who will be saved.
Joe: Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean by a "remnant of Jews"?
Bible Expert: Well, in Romans 11, Paul explains that God has chosen to save a remnant of Jews, which are the ones who believe in Him. He also talks about how the Gentiles, who were not originally part of God's plan, have now been grafted into it.
Joe: Ok, so God has chosen to save some Jews and some Gentiles, but why?
Bible Expert: Well, Paul explains that God's plan is to show His mercy and grace to both Jews and Gentiles. He's doing this so that both groups can be part of His family, and it's a way of showing His love for all people.
Joe: Wow, that's incredible. I can see why the Bible is so popular.
Bible Expert: Yes, it's an amazing plan of salvation, and one that shows God's mercy and love for all people.