Alex Trebek: So, tell me a bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, and I'd like to take a few moments to summarize Romans 11.
Alex Trebek: [sighing] Okay, go ahead.
Contestant: Romans 11 is all about God's plan of salvation for humanity. It starts by describing how the Jews have been hardened in their hearts and how they have been broken off from the tree of life. But it also says that there is always hope for those who turn to God, for God will graft them back into the tree of life if they repent. The chapter goes on to explain that the Gentiles have been grafted in, and that the Jews should take encouragement from the fact that their rejection is only temporary. Finally, the chapter ends with Paul exhorting his readers to not be proud, but to remain humble before the Lord.
Alex Trebek: [agitated] That's very nice, but I'm sure you have other interests besides the Bible. Is there anything else you'd like to share?