Chapter 1
Alex Trebek: Alright, let's get to know each other a bit. Where are you from? Contestant: I'm from the land of Esther 1! Alex Trebek: [sighs] Alright, I guess. So, what can you tell me about Esther 1? →
Chapter 2
Alex Trebek: So, tell me a little bit about yourself. Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, and I'd like to tell you a bit about Esther 2. Alex Trebek: *sighs* Alright, if you must. Contestant: Sure! So, Esther 2 is all about the King of Persia, Ahasuerus, who was looking for a new queen. →
Chapter 3
Alex: So, tell us about yourself. Contestant: Well, did you know that in Esther 3, the King of Persia, Ahasuerus, promotes Haman to be his Prime Minister? Alex: [Stifling a groan] Uh, that sounds very interesting. →
Chapter 4
Alex: So, tell me a bit about yourself! Contestant: Well, I'd rather talk about the Bible. Did you know that in Esther 4, Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman? Alex: Uh, that's nice. What else? Contestant: Well, when Esther heard about this, she was so upset that she put on sackcloth and ashes and fasted for three days. →
Chapter 5
Alex Trebek: Alright, so why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Contestant: Well, Mr. Trebek, I'd like to tell you about the fifth chapter of the book of Esther. Alex Trebek: (Sighing) That's great, I'm sure, but can we please talk about something else? →
Chapter 6
Alex Trebek: "So, tell me about yourself! What do you like to do?" Contestant: "Well, I'm actually a big fan of the Bible, and I'd love to tell you about a specific chapter - Esther 6!" Alex Trebek: (Sighing) "Okay, sure. →
Chapter 7
Alex: "So, contestant, tell me a bit about yourself. What do you do?" Contestant: "Well, Alex, I happen to know a lot about the Bible. For example, in Esther 7, the King of Persia is tricked into giving the Jews permission to defend themselves against their enemies. →
Chapter 8
Alex: So, tell me a bit about yourself. Contestant: Well, I'm a huge fan of the Bible. Let me tell you about Esther 8. Alex: *sigh* Alright. Contestant: In this chapter, Esther and Mordecai convince the King to reverse the evil decree of Haman and instead grant the Jews protection and the right to defend themselves against their enemies. →
Chapter 9
Alex Trebek: So, tell me a bit about yourself! Contestant: Well, I'm an avid Bible reader, and I'd like to give you a summary of Esther 9. Alex Trebek: (Sighs) Yes, of course you would. Go ahead. Contestant: Okay. →
Chapter 10
Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me a bit about yourself. Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, so I could tell you about Esther 10. Alex Trebek: (Sighs) Alright, I guess. What's Esther 10 about? →