Alex: "So, contestant, tell me a bit about yourself. What do you do?"
Contestant: "Well, Alex, I happen to know a lot about the Bible. For example, in Esther 7, the King of Persia is tricked into giving the Jews permission to defend themselves against their enemies. He also gives Haman, a wicked advisor, permission to be hung on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai, the Jewish leader."
Alex (clearly frustrated): "Uh, that's...interesting. So, what do you do for a living?"
Contestant: "Well, I'm a Biblical scholar and I just love reading about the Bible. Did you know that in Esther 7, Esther reveals her true identity as a Jew to the King and begs him to spare her people from Haman's wicked plans? He then orders Haman to be hung on the gallows he had built for Mordecai and rewards Mordecai by making him the King's new advisor."
Alex (sighs): "Ok then. So, what do you like to do in your free time?"
Contestant: "Oh, I love talking about the Bible. Did you know that in Esther 7, the King grants the Jews of Persia the right to defend themselves and gives them permission to rule over their enemies? The Jews then celebrate and Mordecai is honored with a great feast."
Alex (annoyed): "I see. So, what hobbies do you have?"
Contestant: "Well, I really enjoy learning about the Bible. In Esther 7, the King grants the Jews permission to rule over their enemies and Mordecai is appointed as the King's advisor. The Jews then celebrate with a great feast, and their enemies are put to death."