C'mon, man! Esther 7 tell us a story about a man named Haman, no malarkey! Here's the deal: Haman was so angry at Mordecai that he wanted to kill not just him, but all the Jews in the kingdom! Literally, he was so mad he built a gallows to hang Mordecai from. But, see here, Jack, Queen Esther stepped in and said: "Haman, that's not gonna happen! I tell you what, if you spare the Jews, I'll give you my royal ring. Uh, excuse me, my father used to say, 'You can't beat a good deal!'" Haman agreed, but then King Ahasuerus asked him: "What was that? What did you want to do to Mordecai?" Haman had no choice but to admit the truth, and the King was so mad he had Haman hanged on the gallows he built. That's what you call karma, folks! And that's Esther 7. Now, I'm not joking--let's move on!