Peter: Alright, so this chapter starts with King Ahasuerus throwing a big banquet for Esther and all the court officials. Meg: But why? Peter: Uh, because he was so happy that Esther was the queen. Meg: But why was he so happy? Peter: Well, he was proud that he found her, I guess. Stewie: That's no explanation. Brian: Yeah, what did he do? Peter: Oh, he gave her a bunch of gifts, like a crown and lots of jewelry. Stewie: Classic Ahasuerus. Peter: Yeah, and then he asked her what she wanted, and she said she wanted her people, the Jews, to be saved from their enemies. Meg: Wow, what a hero. Stewie: So what happened? Peter: Well, Ahasuerus ordered a decree to be written up that would save the Jews, and then he had it sent out to all the provinces. Brian: Wow, sounds like a happy ending. Meg: Yeah, the Jews are saved! Peter: That's right, and that's the end of Esther 7!