Peter: Alright, so what do we got for Esther 6?
Lois: OK, so it starts out with King Ahasuerus being unable to sleep, so he has his servants bring out the book of records of the chronicles to read.
Brian: Boring! Can we make any references to more exciting pop culture stuff?
Stewie: Actually, it gets more interesting from there. The king notices that he never rewarded Mordecai for uncovering the plot against him, so he makes a big show of doing so.
Peter: So the king gives Mordecai a big medal or something? Like when the president gives out the Medal of Honor?
Lois: Not quite. He dresses Mordecai up in royal robes, puts a crown on his head, and has him ride around the city on the king's own horse.
Brian: Cool! So Mordecai's like a king for a day?
Stewie: Kind of. But his day in the sun is short-lived, because Haman, the guy who was plotting against the king, happens to see him and gets really mad.
Peter: Uh-oh. So what does the king do?
Lois: Well, the king invites Haman to a banquet he's throwing for Mordecai, and then he orders Haman to do all the same things he did for Mordecai. So Haman has to dress Mordecai up in royal robes, put a crown on his head, and lead him around the city on the king's own horse.
Brian: Wow, that must have been really embarrassing for Haman!
Stewie: Yeah, it definitely was. But the story doesn't end there - the king also orders Haman to pay for Mordecai's expenses and give him money, too. So Mordecai becomes a very rich man!