Chapter 1
Peter: Alright, so this Bible chapter is Hebrews 1. Lois: It starts off by saying that God has spoken to us through his Son. Stewie: But before that, he spoke through the prophets. Brian: Yeah, but now the Son is the final word, like the last season of The Office. →
Chapter 2
Peter: Alright, so in chapter two of Hebrews, it's basically saying that we should pay attention to what God says, because it's important and it's the only way to escape punishment. Lois: You mean like how if you don't go to church on Sunday you get struck by lightning? →
Chapter 3
Peter: "Hey Lois, have you read Hebrews 3? (Cue Stewie laughing) Lois: What is it about, Peter? Peter: Well, it talks about how Jesus is the High Priest of our profession of faith and how he is faithful to God no matter what. →
Chapter 4
Peter: Alright, so what's the deal with Chapter 4 of Hebrews? Lois: Well, it talks about the power of God's word, and how it's sharper than any two-edged sword. Brian: Woah, that sounds pretty intense. →
Chapter 5
Peter: Alright, so in Hebrews 5, we learn that Jesus was appointed by God to be a high priest. He was made perfect through suffering and is able to help those who are going through similar things. Lois: Oh wow, that's really powerful. →
Chapter 6
Peter: Alright, so let's get into Hebrews 6. Lois: Oh boy, here we go. Peter: Alright, so it's all about faith. God rewards those who have faith, and the people should strive to have that same faith. Chris: Like that one guy, Faith Hill? Peter: No, Chris, not like Faith Hill. →
Chapter 7
Peter: Alright, so this chapter is about Hebrews 7. What’s the story here? Lois: Well, Peter, it’s about how Jesus, as a priest, is greater than the Levitical priests of the Old Testament, which was kind of like the priesthood of the Hebrews. →
Chapter 8
Peter: Alright, here's the scoop for chapter 8 of Hebrews: Jesus has a better covenant, one that will last forever. He's the mediator of the new covenant, and it's written on hearts instead of stone. Brian: So he's like a lawyer for God? →
Chapter 9
Peter: Alright, we’re on to Hebrews 9. Lois: What is it about this time? Peter: Well, it talks about the new covenant which was made by Jesus when he sacrificed himself. Stewie: What!? Sacrificing himself? That’s not something you see every day. →
Chapter 10
Peter: Alright, so the theme of Hebrews 10 is that Jesus' sacrifice was a once-and-for-all offering that's better than the old blood sacrifices. Lois: Got it! So, Jesus' sacrifice was like the ultimate sacrifice, like when Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star in Star Wars or something? →
Chapter 11
Peter: Alright, so this chapter of the Bible is all about people who act by faith. Like, Abraham, he left his home not knowing where he was going, and because of his faith, God promised him a great nation. →
Chapter 12
1-2. Peter: Alright, so what have we got here? Lois: Well, it looks like Hebrews 12:1-2. Brian: Ooh, sounds like a real page-turner. Peter: Alright, here's the summary. It says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. →
Chapter 13
Lois: Okay, let's get started with Hebrews 13. Peter: Wait, I thought we were doing 12. Lois: No, Peter, that was last week. Peter: Oh, right, right. So, uh, what's up with Hebrews 13? Brian: Well, it's about how we should continue to show love and hospitality to all and keep our lives free from the love of money. →