Peter: Alright, we’re on to Hebrews 9.
Lois: What is it about this time?
Peter: Well, it talks about the new covenant which was made by Jesus when he sacrificed himself.
Stewie: What!? Sacrificing himself? That’s not something you see every day. It’s kind of like that time that Superman sacrificed himself in Batman v Superman, only this time it was for our sins.
Brian: That’s deep. But anyway, it goes on to explain how Jesus was the mediator of this new covenant and how his sacrifice was for the forgiveness of sins.
Lois: So he sacrificed himself for us?
Peter: That’s right. It also talks about how his sacrifice was more effective than the ones made in the old covenant because it was done once and for all, so now we don’t have to keep sacrificing animals.
Brian: That’s kind of like that time that Iron Man sacrificed himself in Avengers Endgame—he did it once and for all, and we never had to worry about him again.
Stewie: I guess you could say that Jesus was the ultimate Avenger.