Alex: Alright, so tell me about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I'm currently studying the book of Hebrews, and I wanted to tell you about chapter 9.
Alex: (Sighing) Alright, what does it say?
Contestant: This chapter talks about how the old covenant made by God with the people of Israel was insufficient because it was unable to make them perfect before God. The new covenant, however, was established by Jesus through the sacrifice of his own body, which cleansed them from their sins and allowed them to approach God without fear.
Alex: (Rolling eyes) That's.....very interesting. Anything else?
Contestant: It also talks about how Jesus is the mediator of this new covenant, and how he is the only one who can bring us into perfect relationship with God.
Alex: (Resigned) Great. Anything else?
Contestant: Yes, it also mentions that the old covenant was done with the sprinkling of blood from animals, but the new covenant was done with the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus.
Alex: (Sighing) Right. Anything else?
Contestant: That's it for Hebrews 9!