Chapter 1
Alex Trebek: So, tell me a bit about yourself. Contestant: Well, I'm a Christian, so I'd like to tell you about the Bible. Alex Trebek: Oh, great. What about it? Contestant: Well, let's start with John 1. →
Chapter 2
Alex Trebek: "So, tell me a bit about yourself! What do you do for a living?" Contestant: "Well, I'm actually studying the Bible right now, and I can tell you about the second chapter of John!" Alex Trebek: [Sighs] "If you must. →
Chapter 3
Alex Trebek: "So, tell me, what do you do for a living?" Contestant: "I'm actually a student of the Bible. I'm currently studying John 3." Alex Trebek: [Sighs] "Oh, uh, okay. So, what does it say?" Contestant: "Well, it starts with Jesus talking to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. →
Chapter 4
Alex: Alright, let's get to know you a bit more. What do you like to do in your free time? Contestant: Well, Alex, I like to study the Bible. Alex (sighs): Ah, of course you do. Alright, go ahead. What does the Bible say about John 4? →
Chapter 5
Alex: Alright, well now that we've gotten to know each other a bit, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Contestant: Well, if you don't mind, I would love to tell you about the Bible. Specifically John 5. →
Chapter 6
Alex: Alright, so tell me something fun about yourself! Contestant: Well, did you know that John 6 is an incredible chapter in the Bible? Alex: Uhhh… no, I didn't. Okay, moving on. Contestant: Yeah, so here's what happens: Jesus feeds a huge crowd of people with just five loaves of bread and two fish! →
Chapter 7
Alex Trebek: Okay, so what do you do for a living? Contestant: I'm a student of the Bible. I'd like to give a brief summary of the book of John, chapter 7. Alex Trebek: [Sighs] Alright, let's hear it. →
Chapter 8
Alex Trebek: So, contestant, tell us a bit about yourself! Contestant: Well, Alex, I'm an avid Bible reader and I'd like to share a summary of John 8. Alex Trebek: [visibly annoyed] Um, why don't you tell us about your hobbies instead? →
Chapter 9
Alex Trebek: Well, [contestant], let's get to know you a bit. What do you like to do in your free time? Contestant: Well, I like to read the Bible! Let me tell you about John 9. Alex Trebek: [sighing] Okay, if you must. →
Chapter 10
Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me about yourself, why don't we start with what you do for a living? Contestant: Well, I'm actually a pastor, and I've been studying the Bible for years. Alex Trebek: Uh huh, okay. →
Chapter 11
Alex Trebek: "So, what do you do for a living, contestant?" Contestant: "Well, I'm a Bible student, so I've been studying the book of John lately. Specifically, I've been looking at John 11, which is about the raising of Lazarus from the dead. →
Chapter 12
Alex Trebek: So tell me a little bit more about yourself. What do you like to do for fun? Contestant: Well, I like to read the Bible. I'd like to tell you about John 12. Alex Trebek: Uh, okay. Contestant: In John 12, Jesus is in Bethany, and Mary of Bethany anoints his feet with an expensive perfume. →
Chapter 13
Alex Trebek: So, what do you do for fun? Contestant: Well, I really enjoy reading the Bible. Alex Trebek: (Sighing) Alright, if we must...tell me about John 13. Contestant: Sure! In John 13, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples and explains the importance of serving others. →
Chapter 14
Alex Trebek: So, tell me about yourself. Contestant: Well, I'd like to summarize John 14 of the Bible. Alex Trebek: (Sighing) Alright, go ahead. Contestant: In John 14, Jesus is talking to his disciples and comfortingly reassures them of his imminent departure. →
Chapter 15
Alex Trebek: Well, it's nice to meet you! So, what do you do for a living? Contestant: I'm actually a student of the Bible. I love to study and summarize it. Alex Trebek (sighing): Uh, okay. Well, why don't you tell me about the Bible? →
Chapter 16
Alex Trebek: So, tell me about yourself... Contestant: Well, I'm a Bible scholar, so I can tell you about one of my favorite books – the book of John! Alex Trebek: (Sighs) Alright, if you must. Contestant: Sure! John 16 is all about Jesus preparing his disciples for his departure. →
Chapter 17
Alex Trebek: So, what do you do for a living? Contestant: Well, I'm an avid reader of the Bible, and I'd like to share with you the contents of the book of John. Alex Trebek: (sighing) All right, let's hear it. →
Chapter 18
Alex: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself." Contestant: "Well, I thought I'd start by talking about the Bible. In John 18, Jesus is arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and taken to the court of the high priest. →
Chapter 19
Alex: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself!" Contestant: "Well, if you want to know about me, I'll start by telling you about a book I've been reading lately: the Bible. In John 19, we learn about the crucifixion of Jesus. →
Chapter 20
Alex Trebek: Now, tell me a bit about yourself. Contestant: Well Alex, I recently read John 20 and I wanted to summarize what I learned. Alex Trebek: (sighs) Alright, go ahead. Contestant: In John 20, Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’ tomb and finds it empty. →
Chapter 21
Alex: So, what do you do for a living? Contestant: I'm actually a Bible scholar. I thought it might be fun to talk about one of my favorite Bible stories-John 21. Alex: (Sighs) Alright, let's hear it. →