Alex: Alright, so tell me something fun about yourself!
Contestant: Well, did you know that John 6 is an incredible chapter in the Bible?
Alex: Uhhh… no, I didn't. Okay, moving on.
Contestant: Yeah, so here's what happens: Jesus feeds a huge crowd of people with just five loaves of bread and two fish!
Alex: That's… great. Let's move on.
Contestant: But wait, it gets better! After Jesus' disciples gather up the leftovers, there's still enough food for everyone!
Alex: I'm sure that was a miracle but-
Contestant: And then, Jesus walks on water! He's so powerful that he can even calm the stormy sea!
Alex: (Sighs) Okay, so why don't you tell me something about yourself that doesn't involve the Bible?
Contestant: Sure, I love playing the piano and-
Alex: Does it have anything to do with the Bible?
Contestant: No, not really.
Alex: Alright then, let's move on.