Atten-HUT! Listen up, maggots! This is John 6- it's about Jesus and a bunch of people who didn't understand what he was tryingin' to tell 'em. So Jesus does what he does best- he feeds 'em all! He creates a bunch of loaves and fishes with only five loaves and two fishes, and everyone's got enough food. Jesus' disciples are amazed, but Jesus ain't done yet. He tells 'em that he's the bread of life, and if they eat it, they won't starve ever again. Then he goes up to the mountain by himself and prays. The crowd follows him, but he's gone. So they find him and he tells 'em that he's been sent from God, and if they believe in him, they'll have eternal life. Then some of 'em try to make him king, but he ain't havin' none of that. So he goes off with his disciples and leaves the crowd behind. That's John 6- so get it straight, troops!