Hey, you newbies! Listen up! I'm gonna give you the rundown on John chapter 9. It's all about Jesus healing a blind man. He spits on the ground, mixes up some mud and puts it on the man's eyes. Then he tells him to go wash it off in the Pool of Siloam. The man obeys and comes back seeing! Everyone's amazed, and they start asking questions about how it happened. Some of the people don't believe it, so they bring the man to the Pharisees to see what they think. Even after the man told them the story, they still didn't believe it. They even started interrogating his parents, but they refused to answer. So the Pharisees threw the man out. But Jesus finds him and tells him that he believes in him and that he is part of God's family. The man believes and worships Jesus. The end. Got it?