Alright, listen up, you new recruits. We're gonna go over John 11 real quick. Let's see. This chapter starts off with Jesus' buddy, Lazarus, getting ill. Jesus' two other friends, Mary and Martha, send for Jesus to come and heal him, but instead, Jesus waits two days, then heads to their town. By the time he gets there, Lazarus has already died. Martha goes out to meet Jesus, and tells him that if he'd been there, Lazarus wouldn't have died. Jesus says to her, "Your brother will rise again." Martha believes him and says that she knows her brother will rise again at the resurrection. Jesus then goes to the tomb and commands Lazarus to come out. And, sure enough, Lazarus comes right out, still wrapped up in burial cloths. The people who had gathered around are amazed and start to believe in Jesus. The religious leaders, however, get mad and plot to kill Jesus. The end.