Listen up ya maggots! This is John 13. Jesus is in the last supper with his disciples. He is gonna show 'em a thing or two. He takes off his clothes, wraps a towel around his waist and starts washing his disciples' feet. He tells them to do the same for each other. They don't get it and Peter objects, but Jesus tells him that if he doesn't, then he won't be worthy of being a part of the group. Jesus also tells them that he is only doing what he was told to do. He is fulfilling the law and showing them how they should act. He tells them to love each other and serve each other like he served them. Then he starts talking about betrayal and tells them that one of them will betray him. He is talking about Judas, but they don't know it yet. That's it, maggots. Get to studying if ya want to pass this test!