Chapter 1
"Listen up, maggots! Chapter 1 of Proverbs is all about wisdom. It tells you how to stay away from bad influences and how to seek good advice. It also tells you that if you don't listen to the wise, you're gonna be sorry. →
Chapter 2
Listen up you maggots! Proverbs 2 is about wisdom and understanding. It tells us to seek wisdom and understanding, and that these can be found in God's Word. We should seek out knowledge and understanding, so that we can make wise decisions and have good judgement. →
Chapter 3
Listen up recruits! Chapter 3 of the Bible is about Proverbs. This chapter is full of wisdom, so pay attention! Basically, God is telling us that if we put Him first in all our decisions, He will bless us and lead us down the right path. →
Chapter 4
Listen up, maggots! This is Proverbs 4! It starts off with the wise man, King Solomon, telling you to listen to his words and keep his teachings close to your heart. He says that it'll make you wise and give you a long life. →
Chapter 5
Proverbs 5: Listen up, maggots! Pay attention to the wisdom that I'm about to tell you. Don't be fooled by the words of a seducing woman. Don't let her sweet talk lead you astray. Just stay away from her, and don't let her lead you into her bed. →
Chapter 6
"Listen up, soldiers! Chapter 6 of Proverbs is a lesson in wisdom. It talks about how you should stay away from sluggards and those who do wrong. You should stay away from people who live in sin and be an example of wisdom and good behavior. →
Chapter 7
"GOT IT? LISTEN UP! Proverbs 7 is all about making smart decisions. Don't go looking for trouble - stay on the straight and narrow. Don't be tempted by the wrong people and the wrong things. Stay away from the adulteress, she'll only bring you down. →
Chapter 8
Listen up, you maggots! In Proverbs 8, Wisdom is calling out to all of you! She's telling you to learn, get understanding, and look for knowledge and discretion. She's getting a bit preachy and telling you to listen to her instructions and you'll live long and prosperous lives. →
Chapter 9
Listen up, maggots! Proverbs 9 is all about wisdom. Here's the deal: wisdom is personified as a woman, and she's got a house. She's built it on seven pillars, and she's got a feast going on inside. She's inviting everyone over to eat, and if you do, you'll get knowledge and understanding. →
Chapter 10
"LISTEN UP, RECRUITS! Proverbs 10 is all about the consequences of different behaviors. The wise person is blessed with blessings, but the foolish person ends up getting cursed. Hard work pays off, but laziness leads to poverty. →
Chapter 11
Ya heard me, recruit? This is Proverbs 11! Listen up! In this chapter, ya gotta watch out for wrongdoin'! Bein' a liar and cheater will only bring ya trouble and heartache! Yer gonna learn that the Lord hates dishonesty and that the truth will always prevail. →
Chapter 12
"Alright listen up, maggots! You better pay attention to what I'm telling you about Proverbs 12. We got wisdom and understanding in this chapter - it's important to understand that these things come from the Lord. →
Chapter 13
"You listen up! Proverbs 13 says that a wise person holds their tongue, but a fool blurts out their foolishness. It also tells you to stay away from the wicked and stay close to the wise. It's also saying that you should be careful with your actions and words, because they can bring you joy or sorrow. →
Chapter 14
Listen up! Proverbs 14 is full of wisdom, so pay attention and learn it. If you be wise, you'll be happy, but a fool will end up miserable. Don't think you know it all, because even the simple can understand what's right. →
Chapter 15
"LISTEN UP, SOLDIERS! Proverbs 15 is ALL ABOUT WISDOM. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Fools despise wisdom and instruction, but those who heed it are wise. The LORD hates those who sacrifice to false gods, but he loves those who follow his paths. →
Chapter 16
Attention! Listen up! Proverbs 16 is all about control! Restrain your passion, and you'll restrain your tongue. Don't be quick to speak; don't be quick to take action. Instead, take your time and think through every decision. →
Chapter 17
"Listen up, soldiers! Chapter 17 of Proverbs is all about wisdom. It tells you to be wise with your words, stay away from worthless people, and keep your eyes open for true friends. It says that a cheerful heart is like medicine, and that a good reputation is better than silver or gold. →
Chapter 18
Listen up, maggots! This is the slimy Proverbs 18, where it talks about fools and their mouth-holes. It says that fools yap and yammer, but wise people keep their traps shut. But if you want to get ahead in life, you gotta open your mouth and share your ideas. →
Chapter 19
"LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! Proverbs 19: In life, be wise with your words, 'stupid talk' will only get you in trouble. Don't be a fool and think you know it all, listen to advice and you can't go wrong. The lazy man will suffer, so get up and do something with your life! Be kind and generous, don't be selfish and you'll be rewarded. →
Chapter 20
"LISTEN UP YOU MAGGOTS! Proverbs 20 talks about the power of words. It says that sweet talk can get you out of trouble, but harsh words can land you in it. It says that the Lord's decisions are beyond human understanding, so don't go thinking you know better. →
Chapter 21
GOTTA LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! Proverbs 21: Get yer head on straight! Don't be a fool, don't be lazy, and don't be a drunk! Be wise and think before you act, 'cause you don't want to be the one in trouble. Don't be proud, and don't be evil. →
Chapter 22
Hey, maggots, listen up! This is Proverbs 22! It's a bunch of sayings to teach you how to live right. Like, verse 1 says: "A good name is more desirable than great wealth; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold". →
Chapter 23
"Listen up, maggots! Chapter 23 of Proverbs is all about money, so pay attention! Here's the gist: Don't be jealous of rich people or try to outdo them. Instead, be content with what you have and don't spend too much. →
Chapter 24
"Listen up recruits! Proverbs 24 is all about wisdom and understanding. You better get your heads in the game and pay attention to the words of wisdom in this chapter! The Lord has given us insight into how to live a good life—we should remember that wisdom is more precious than gold. →
Chapter 25
LISTEN UP YOU BUNCHA GOOF-OFFS! Proverbs 25 is all about wisdom. It's the words of King Solomon and it's full of smart sayaings. First, it tells you not to go around trying to get involved in other people's business. →
Chapter 26
Listen up, maggots! Proverbs 26 is about how stupid people should just STFU and not put their two cents in. It's about how wise words are like apples of gold in silver carvings. It's about how lazy people get nothing done, and how their lies will get uncovered. →
Chapter 27
"LISTEN UP, SOLDIERS! Proverbs 27 is all about the importance of friendship and wise counsel. It says that if you're gonna get ahead, you need to have friends and mentors who can help you along the way. →
Chapter 28
1 "GIT YER LAZY BUTTS UP, MAGGOTS! Proverbs 28:1 says, 'The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.' That means those of you who are wicked will run away from even the slightest trouble, but those of you who are righteous will stand your ground no matter what! Got it?!" →
Chapter 29
18. "Listen up, ya' maggots! Here's Proverbs 29:18: 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.' That means when you don't have a plan or goal, you get nowhere—you just wander around and waste your life away! So, if you want to get somewhere, you gotta have a plan! Got it?!" →
Chapter 30
LISTEN UP SOLDIERS! Proverbs 30 is about a man named Agur. He's asking God to keep him humble and to not let him become proud, and then he says some wise things. He says that lying and pride lead to poverty, but wisdom leads to riches. →
Chapter 31
"Listen up, maggots! This Proverbs 31 chapter is about a capable wife and her virtues. She’s the real deal—she brings honor to her family and is dutiful, reliable and hardworking. She makes sure her husband is respected in the community and takes care of her family’s needs. →