Listen up! Proverbs 14 is full of wisdom, so pay attention and learn it. If you be wise, you'll be happy, but a fool will end up miserable. Don't think you know it all, because even the simple can understand what's right. Don't trust in yourself but trust in the Lord, and He'll direct your path. The Lord hates pride and loves humility, so stay humble. Don't be a gossip, mind your own business; don't be quick to anger, it ain't worth it. Don't be lazy, it'll just lead to poverty; but if you work hard, you'll get rewarded. The way of the wicked is wicked, and it'll lead to trouble; but the righteous will live a good life. People who plant their own crops will eat from them, and those who follow the Lord will be safe. A wise heart accepts commands, but a foolish one will just ignore them. A house is built with wisdom, and it stands strong; but a fool's house will just fall apart. Fear the Lord, and don't be proud; you'll have a long life.