Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say that wise people are careful to choose the right path, but fools rush ahead and miss the mark. Really, it's like that old saying: "A short temper leads to a lot of trouble," and you know, "Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult." C'mon, man, no malarkey, be wise! Look, you can get a good reputation if you are sensible and live right, but if you're stupid, you'll be laughed at. See here, Jack, the truth is, it's better to be poor and honest than to be rich and crooked. What was that? Or uh, you know, being poor is better than being a liar. I'm not joking, folks! Literally! You can't trust what a person says if they don't keep their promises. That's why you've got to be honest and tell the truth. Excuse me, but it's not gonna happen if you're a hothead and go around acting like a fool. I tell you what, it's better to be humble and respect others than to be stuck up and act like you're better than everyone else.