C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, I tell you what, here's the deal: Proverbs 5 is all about the dangers of adultery. Folks, it's a warning to stay away from adultery, and the consequences it can have. My father used to say that it's like a deep pit, and those who commit adultery will fall in it. Literally, it's a warning against being led astray by a forbidden woman. Not gonna happen! See here, Jack, it's all about the benefits of faithfulness in marriage, and the consequences of straying. I'm not joking--it's all about holding on to your spouse and never letting them go. What was that? It's like I'm saying, stay faithful to your spouse, or uh, you know, you'll pay the price. Not gonna happen! So, excuse me, the moral of the story is: stay faithful, don't be fooled by a forbidden woman, and don't commit adultery. That's it, folks--no malarkey!