Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Proverbs 23 tells us to pay attention to our father and mother, literally. My father used to say that if you don't, you'll wind up living a life of misery. C'mon, man! It also says that if you want to get some money, you should work hard. No malarkey! What was that? It also says that if you want to be rich, you should stay away from bad company. See here, Jack, the Bible says that if you want to be wise, you should pay attention to wise people. Or uh, you know, you should stay away from foolish people. It says that if you want to be successful, you should always speak the truth and be honest. I'm not joking here. It also says that if you want to be happy, you should work hard and be content with what you have. That's what my father used to say. Excuse me, it also says that if you want to be successful, you should be careful with the company you keep. Not gonna happen if you hang out with the wrong crowd. I tell you what, if you follow the advice in Proverbs 23, you'll have a long and happy life. Literally!