Folks! See here, Jack! This is Proverbs 31 we're talking about! My father used to say, "No malarkey! A wise and virtuous woman is worth more than rubies!" And he was right! Here's the deal: this woman is the epitome of a good wife. She is hardworking, and manages her household efficiently. She buys land and plants vineyards, and provides food for her household and her servants. She is generous, and helps the poor and needy. She makes sure her husband and family are clothed in fine linen and purple. She works late into the night, spinning wool and linen. She is a wise businesswoman, and her profits increase each day. She is strong, and not afraid of the future. She speaks with wisdom and kindness, and has a heart filled with faith. C'mon, man! I'm not joking! This woman is the real deal, y'all! Literally, she is worth more than rubies, and her husband and children praise her for her actions. What was that? A woman like this is a blessing from the Lord! Or uh, you know, not gonna happen! I tell you what: if you want to be successful and blessed, you should emulate this woman. Excuse me! That's Proverbs 31!