Joe: Alright, so we have our Bible expert here to talk about the book of Proverbs and specifically the chapter 31. What can you tell us?

Expert: Sure, so Proverbs 31 is written by King Lemuel and it is a very interesting chapter. It is actually written by a mother to her son and it is a lesson in wisdom and leadership.

Joe: Interesting, so what kind of wisdom is it?

Expert: Well, it talks about how a leader should behave. It emphasizes being disciplined, honest, and reliable. It also talks about how a leader should help those in need and take care of those in his charge.

Joe: Wow, so it sounds like it's not just about being a leader but being a good person as well.

Expert: Exactly, it's about being wise and virtuous. It talks about how a leader should have integrity, justice, and compassion.

Joe: What else does it say?

Expert: It also talks about how a leader should be generous and hospitable to those in his charge. It also talks about the importance of being a good steward of resources and having a strong work ethic.

Joe: Wow, that's great advice! Anything else?

Expert: Yes, it also talks about how a leader should be wise in his decisions and should seek godly counsel.

Joe: That's really important advice. I'm sure it's been helpful to many leaders throughout the years.

Expert: Absolutely, it's a timeless piece of wisdom that we can all benefit from.