Joe: Alright, welcome back to the Joe Rogan Experience! Today we’re continuing our exploration of the Bible with our expert guest. We just finished up Proverbs 18, so what’s next?
Expert: Well, Proverbs 19 is all about wisdom and understanding. It starts by talking about how it’s better to be poor than to be a fool, so that’s a lesson right there.
Joe: Yeah, that seems pretty obvious. What else does it say?
Expert: It talks about how precious is the instruction of the wise, and that fools despise wisdom and instruction. It also talks about how it’s better to be slow to anger than to be a hero, and that those who control their temper have great understanding.
Joe: That’s a great point. Any other nuggets of wisdom in there?
Expert: Yes, it goes on to talk about how a fool’s words will lead to his own destruction, and also how a lazy person will suffer for his lack of action. It also tells us not to meddle in the affairs of others, and that it’s better to live humbly than to strive for wealth and power.
Joe: Wow, that’s really deep stuff. Hold on a second, let me just ask Jamie to Google the last one… yup, looks like it’s true! Alright, so that’s Proverbs 19 in a nutshell. Any other lessons in there we should know about?
Expert: Yeah, it also talks about how a good name is better than great riches, and how it’s important to listen to advice and accept discipline. It also tells us not to envy sinners, and that it’s better to be patient than to be powerful. Finally, it tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, and that fools despise wisdom and instruction.