Chapter 1
Joe: Alright, so what are we talking about today? Bible Expert: Well Joe, we're going to be talking about the book of Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament. Joe: Wow, the Old Testament! That's pretty crazy. →
Chapter 2
Joe: Alright, so we got Malachi 2, what's going on there? Bible Expert: Well, Malachi 2 is a warning to the people of Israel about the consequences of their disobedience to God. The Lord is angry with the people, who have abandoned the ways of the Lord and gone their own way, and he is warning them of the consequences of their actions. →
Chapter 3
Joe: Alright, so what can you tell me about Malachi 3? Bible Expert: Well, Malachi 3 is the third and final chapter of the book of Malachi in the Old Testament. It focuses on the theme of God's love for the people of Israel, and how He will reward them if they obey His will. →
Chapter 4
Joe: Alright! So let's talk about Malachi 4. Now, this is the last book of the Old Testament. What can you tell us about this chapter? Bible Expert: Well Joe, it's mainly a prophecy about the coming of Elijah the prophet, who will come to announce the day of the Lord. →