Joe: Alright! So let's talk about Malachi 4. Now, this is the last book of the Old Testament. What can you tell us about this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, it's mainly a prophecy about the coming of Elijah the prophet, who will come to announce the day of the Lord. He will also be a messenger of judgment.
Joe: Judgment? That sounds intense!
Bible Expert: It is. Malachi says that God will judge the wicked and the proud, and that those who reverence him will be blessed and that his words will never depart from his mouth.
Joe: Wow, that's powerful stuff. So, what else can you tell us about this chapter?
Bible Expert: Sure. It also talks about how the Lord loves his people and how he will reward them for their faithfulness. He will also judge those who are unfaithful and unfruitful in their service to him.
Joe: Interesting. So, how does this chapter end?
Bible Expert: It ends with a call to remember the covenant, and to keep it in their hearts. It's a reminder to the people of their responsibility to serve the Lord faithfully and to keep his commandments.
Joe: Alright. That's a great summary of Malachi 4. Now, let's move on to the next chapter. Jamie, can you Google something for me?