Joe: Alright, let's get into Chapter 20 of Proverbs! What's the main theme here?
Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Proverbs 20 is all about wise living, and the benefits that come with it. It speaks about the wisdom of living a life of moderation and avoiding excess. It also speaks about the importance of being honest, and the consequences of lying.
Joe: Hold on, Jamie can you look this up real quick? [Jamie types something into her laptop.] Wow, this is fascinating! So it says here that Proverbs 20:17 says, 'Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.’ What does that mean?
Bible Expert: Basically, it means that if you try to get something dishonestly, it might seem sweet at first, but in the end it will lead to trouble.
Joe: Wow! That's so true! What else is in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, Joe, Proverbs 20 also talks about the importance of being self-controlled and disciplined. It speaks about the value of hard work, and the danger of idleness. It also talks about the importance of wise counsel, and not relying solely on your own wisdom.
Joe: Wow, so this chapter is really all about living a balanced and responsible life. Man, this is great stuff!