Peter: Alright, so Proverbs 20... Brian: Yeah, let's see here. Here's the deal: don't get too cocky, 'cause pride comes before a fall. Peter: Ooh, like when I tried to drive the ship on that cruise we took? Quagmire: Yeah, Peter, and don't be too sure of yourself, 'cause you can be tricked by the wrong people! Peter: Like that time I thought the new iPhone was a banana? Lois: Alright, let's try to stay on topic. Here's another proverb: Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging. Quagmire: Ah, like that time I got drunk and thought I was a kangaroo? Peter: Hey, I got drunk and thought I was a llama! Lois: Guys, seriously, focus. Here's another one: The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both. Brian: Yeah, like that time we had to wear those 3D glasses at the movies and I thought everyone around me had two heads?