Peter: Alright, so the book of Proverbs is a real snooze-fest until you get to Chapter 3. That's when things get really interesting. This is when it talks about wisdom and understanding and all that stuff.

Lois: Yeah, like the old adage "Wisdom is better than silver and gold."

Brian: Yeah, and wisdom is like that scene from The Matrix where Keanu Reeves dodges all the bullets.

Stewie: I got it! Wisdom is like a really bad movie sequel where everything is a retread of the original.

Lois: No, no, no. Wisdom is like getting the secret ending on a video game.

Peter: You know, like when you beat a level and then something totally unexpected happens.

Cleveland: Yeah, or like when you find the secret area in a game by doing something unexpected.

Joe: Or like when you find an Easter egg in a movie.

Quagmire: Yeah, like when you find the hidden message in a song.

Peter: Okay, okay, so basically what Proverbs 3 is saying is that wisdom is like finding hidden treasure, but you have to work for it. It's like a really hard game where you have to think outside the box and use your wits.

Lois: Right. It's about using logic and reason to figure out how to solve problems and make the right decisions.

Brian: Yeah, like when you have to choose between two paths. You have to use your wisdom to figure out which one to take.

Stewie: Yeah, like that old saying "Look before you leap!"

Everyone: Yeah!