Peter: Alright, so this chapter is Proverbs 24, and it basically says that a wise man is careful and considers the future, but the foolish man is reckless and doesn't think things through.

Lois: Yeah, like when you decided to buy that boat with our savings, Peter!

Peter: Hey, that boat was like the one they used in that movie Anaconda, and it was gonna be our gateway to adventure!

Stewie: I'm pretty sure that's not what the Bible was talking about, Peter.

Brian: Right, the Bible says that a wise person thinks before they act and plans ahead, like when I decided to invest in Pawtucket Patriot beer stocks.

Lois: That was a terrible idea, Brian.

Brian: Hey, it was a sure thing!

Chris: I guess this chapter is also talking about how wise people prepare for the future, like when I saved up for a trip to the moon.

Peter: Whoa, you're gonna go to the moon?

Chris: No, Peter, I was just saying that because I've been saving up for it.

Lois: Well, according to Proverbs 24, it's wise to plan ahead like that.

Peter: Yeah, but it also says that a wise person is also humble and doesn't boast or show off.

Brian: You know, like when I tried to impress that girl at the bar by telling her I was an astronaut.

Lois: Yes, Brian, that's exactly what it means.

Stewie: So, in conclusion, this chapter of Proverbs is telling us that the wise man plans ahead and is humble, while the foolish man is reckless and arrogant.

Peter: And that's why I'm gonna buy that boat!