Peter: Alright everybody, it's time for a recap of Proverbs 6! So, this chapter says that a sluggard is someone too lazy to do anything, and that you should stay away from them. Also, it says not to be a thief, and that bad company is like a nail sticking up - it's gonna get hammered down.

Brian: Alright, so the moral of this story is: don't be lazy, don't steal, and don't hang out with bad people, like the cast of Jersey Shore.

Lois: Alright, that's enough, Brian. Proverbs 6 also says to stay away from adultery, because it's like a fire that can burn down your whole life.

Stewie: Wow, Lois, that's pretty deep. You sound like Yoda.

Peter: Okay, so the moral of Proverbs 6 is: don't be lazy, don't steal, don't hang out with bad people, and don't commit adultery, or else you'll end up like the cast of The Bachelor.