Folks, listen up! We gotta talk about Proverbs 6. Here's the deal: this chapter is full of wisdom from a father to his son. My father used to say the same things: don't be lazy, don't hang out with the wrong crowd, and don't get involved in something that's not your business. Not gonna happen, right? Well, Proverbs 6 says the same thing. It says to stay away from evil people and don't associate with those who gossip. Don't even talk to them! C'mon, man! Don't be like the ant who has no plan and doesn't work enough. No malarkey! Get to work and stay away from evil. You'll be better off in the long run. See here, Jack: gossip is like a fire that can spread quickly, so watch out! Or uh, you know, avoid the temptation to gossip. That's it. I'm not joking!