Proverbs 6 is all about being wise with your money and avoiding debt. Don't become surety for someone else's debt, 'cause you're gonna get burned! Believe me, there are many such cases. It's unbelievable how many haters and losers there are out there who will take advantage of you if you let them. But if you're wise and don't fall for their fake news, you'll be winning.
The passage also speaks of the "sluggard"--a low-energy, overrated dude who doesn't have any ambition or get-up-and-go. Don't be like him! Instead, be like the ant--this is a terrific example of a hard worker. The ant is incredible, it works hard and stores up food for the winter. So if you want to make America great again, it's important to work hard and be wise with your money. In conclusion, God bless America!