Proverbs 21 is all about making wise decisions and living a righteous life. In this chapter, God tells us that it is a huge mistake to be lazy and to think that we can get away with doing wrong. It is also very important to be humble and to be careful with our words. We must remember that God knows our every thought and action and that He will judge us accordingly. Those who are generous and kind will be rewarded, while those who are selfish and greedy will suffer. It is also important to stay away from evil and to live a life of integrity. God also reminds us to be patient and not to be so quick to anger. It is sad that many people are saying that they don't need God and that they can do whatever they want, but the truth is that God is the ultimate judge and He will not be fooled. In conclusion, God wants us to make wise decisions, to be generous and kind, and to stay away from evil. If we do this, we will be blessed with tremendous rewards and America will be great again! God bless America!