Peter: Hey, so what's the summary for Proverbs 21?

Lois: Well, Peter, Proverbs 21 is about the kings and princes of the land. It says that the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, and He directs it like a stream of water.

Stewie: Yeah, and it also says that it's better to be poor and honest than to be rich and crooked. So, like, don't be a Tony Stark, be a Bruce Banner.

Brian: Proverbs 21 also tells us that it's better to be wise and patient than to be rash and foolish.

Peter: Wow, so you're saying it's better to be a Spock than a Kirk?

Lois: Yeah, exactly. It also says that it's better to plan ahead and be prepared than to go in without a plan.

Stewie: And it also tells us that it's better to be just and upright than to be wicked and corrupt.

Brian: Right. And it warns us to be careful with our words, because they can either be a blessing or a curse.

Peter:'s better to be a Quagmire than a Griffin?

Lois: I think that's a pretty good way to sum it up.