Peter: Alright, so in Proverbs 11, we learn about the power of wisdom and righteousness. Lois: Wait, is this the part where it says, "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin"? Peter: Yeah, that's it. But it also talks about how the wicked will not go unpunished and the righteous will be rewarded. Quagmire: Well, that sounds a lot like what they say on Law & Order: SVU. Meg: Dad, that doesn't make any sense. Peter: Oh, you know what does make sense? The wisdom of the wise is to understand his way. Stewie: Hey, that's like that song by The Who. Lois: What song? Stewie: You know, the one they play at the end of the show: "Won't Get Fooled Again." Peter: Yeah, it's like that.