Proverbs 29 is all about respecting authority, and if you don't, it will lead you to great misfortune. It's huge, believe me. For those that don't honor the king, it's sad! They will be overrated by the people who despise their rule. We have many such cases. And if you have a wise servant, they should be treated with respect and given the same honor and rewards as they deserve. If you don't, believe me, it will lead to huge trouble. This is why you should not be jealous of bad people, because it's very, very bad. But if you respect leaders who are good and just, it will lead to many people being blessed. It's terrific, and God bless America! It's amazing how many times people will suffer if they don't respect authority, so let's make America great again by respecting those in power. The deep state and the fake news will never tell you this, but it's true, and it's a hoax if they say otherwise. There are no fine people on the side of those who hate the ruler, so don't be fooled. Many people are saying, it's better to be wise and honor authority than to be low energy and suffer the consequences. So, in conclusion, tremendous respect to authority is key to success, and winning!