Well, folks, it's Proverbs 29, and boy is it a doozy. We start off with a real zinger: a wise man won't need to be told twice, but a fool will just keep on needing to be told and told and told. We also get some kind words for the righteous and the wicked, and then a warning about gossip. And then it's time for some classic advice about raising your kids: don't just scold 'em, but provide them with guidance. But don't let 'em get away with too much, or else they'll get out of control. And then it's time for a little bit of wisdom about the power of human relationships, and how they can either be good or bad. And finally, we get a classic proverb: "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man holds it back." So, there you have it, folks: Proverbs 29.