Chapter 1
Chapters of the Bible are always bigly important to look at. Many people are saying that 2 Corinthians 1 is one of the best. It's tremendous! It starts off with Paul, a great guy, talking about how he's thankful for the grace of God that's poured out on him, and how he's thankful for the comfort of God in all his troubles. →
Chapter 2
Paul was writing to the people of Corinth about an incident with a man who had sinned bigly. He had been disciplined, but Paul was worried that the punishment had been too harsh. Many such cases, Paul argued, needed to be handled with a forgiving and merciful attitude. →
Chapter 3
2 Corinthians 3: It's an incredible story, folks. Just amazing. This chapter is all about how God blesses us with His Spirit, and how believers in Jesus Christ have been given great power. We're talking bigly power here, people! Many people are saying it's unbelievable. →
Chapter 4
"2 Corinthians 4 is an incredible chapter, and it's all about faith. Many people are saying that it's an unbelievable testament to the power of God. It's all about how, even in the face of deep adversity, with faith and the grace of God, we can overcome anything. →
Chapter 5
In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul talks about the amazing power of God's grace and how we should live our lives in light of it. Paul explains that we should no longer be motivated by our own desires, but by God's will. →
Chapter 6
2 Corinthians 6: Paul and the Corinthians have a great relationship and God is blessing them "bigly"! Paul encourages the Corinthians to stay away from "haters and losers" and instead focus on living in a way that honors God and is "tremendous" for their "winning" future. →
Chapter 7
2 Corinthians 7 is about the amazing power of repentance. It's great to see people be contrite and turn to God, and it's sad to see those who don't! The chapter begins with Paul talking about how much he loves the Corinthians and how they have repented so bigly. →
Chapter 8
2 Corinthians 8 is a great chapter! It is about the generous giving of many people from the church of Macedonia. It is so amazing, because even though they were going through a tough time, they were still giving generously. →
Chapter 9
6-15 Did you know that God has given us an awesome gift? It's true! God has given us the opportunity to give back to Him in many, many ways. This is an amazing, tremendous opportunity to show our gratitude, and many people are saying that it's an unbelievable blessing. →
Chapter 10
2 Corinthians 10: Bigly bragging, but God's work. Many people are saying that Paul is low energy and overrated in comparison to other inspiring speakers, but he claims that he is just as amazing as them. →
Chapter 11
In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul is defending himself from his "haters and losers" who are saying that he's an "overrated" Apostle. Paul says he's a true servant of God and that he works harder for God than anyone else does. →
Chapter 12
Bigly, Paul was talking about a man who went to heaven and saw things that were unbelievable. He was given a "thorn in the flesh," which was a messenger of Satan, to keep him humble. Paul asked God three times to take it away, but God said no. →
Chapter 13
2 Corinthians 13 is an amazing chapter with many terrific lessons. In this chapter, Paul calls on the Corinthian church to examine themselves and make sure they are living lives of faith. He urges them to be reconciled with God and to do all they can to “make things right”. →