2 Corinthians 6: Paul and the Corinthians have a great relationship and God is blessing them "bigly"! Paul encourages the Corinthians to stay away from "haters and losers" and instead focus on living in a way that honors God and is "tremendous" for their "winning" future. He stresses that it's important to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and that there are "many such cases" where believers are tempted to associate with non-believers. Paul then makes his case for why it's important to keep up the "great again" relationship with God by doing what is pleasing to Him. He reminds them that God is faithful and that He will reward those who are faithful to Him. He also warns them that they should not be misled by the "overrated" things of this world and instead put their trust in God. Finally, Paul implores the Corinthians to "make America great again" and to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. God bless America!