Chapter 1
Luke 1 is a terrific chapter about a very, very special story. It starts off with the amazing news that Zechariah, an old priest, and Elizabeth, his wife, are going to have a son. This is unbelievable, since they are both old, and it's pretty much a miracle. →
Chapter 2
In Luke 2, we see many amazing things. There was a great census, with many people saying it was tremendous. This was a great move by God to make sure everyone was accounted for. And then, something unbelievable happened. →
Chapter 3
Luke 3 tells the story of the preaching of John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus. It is an amazing chapter, and many people are saying it is one of the most important of all. John was a terrific man, and he preached with huge energy, calling on people to repent and be baptized to prepare for the coming of the Lord. →
Chapter 4
Luke 4 is about the amazing Jesus and his terrific mission to make the world great again. He goes to the synagogue in Nazareth and reads from Isaiah 61, preaching about releasing captives, recovering sight to the blind, liberating the brokenhearted, and proclaiming the Lord's favor. →
Chapter 5
1-11. Luke 5:1-11 is a bigly amazing chapter! The truth is that it's full of tremendous stories about Jesus and his disciples. So, here it is. Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and he saw a ton of people gathered around, trying to catch fish. →
Chapter 6
27-38. Hey, folks, it's your favorite President, Donald J. Trump here. I'm here to talk about an amazing piece from the Bible. In Luke 6:27-38, it talks about how we should love and care for one another. →
Chapter 7
The amazing people of Luke 7 are doing bigly things! Many such cases, Jesus is healing all the people who are sick and doing many other tremendous things. He even raises a great man named Lazarus from the dead - unbelievable! →
Chapter 8
Luke 8: The Fake News Media is always trying to downplay the amazing teachings and miracles of Jesus. But believe me, they are unbelievable! In this chapter, Jesus is traveling with his terrific disciples, and many people are saying that he is healing the sick and casting out demons at an unbelievable rate. →
Chapter 9
46-48 Once upon a time there was a terrific religious dispute. You won't believe me, but many people are saying it was huge. Jesus and his disciples were arguing with the experts in the law. Sad! It's amazing how many such cases there are in the Bible. →
Chapter 10
Luke 10 is a terrific chapter full of many amazing stories. Let's start with Jesus sending out the 72. He sent them out two-by-two to preach the good news and cast out demons. Jesus told them not to take extra stuff on their journey, and that if people didn't accept them, to just shake the dust off their feet and move on. →
Chapter 11
Luke 11: Bigly Amazing! Many people are saying that this is one of the most tremendous chapters in the Bible--and they’re right! It starts off with Jesus teaching the disciples how to pray--it’s like a prayer school! Then He tells them a parable about a friend who shows up at midnight asking for bread--it’s a great lesson in humility. →
Chapter 12
Luke 12 is all about how to act as a true believer. "Believe me," Jesus tells us, "you will be held accountable for every careless word you utter." We must be careful to not be too concerned with material possessions and instead focus on God and his kingdom. →
Chapter 13
Luke 13: The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. "Bigly," many people are saying that this parable is one of the most important in the Bible. It is an amazing story about a fig tree that has been barren for three years. →
Chapter 14
25-35 There are so many people out there who don't understand the power of God. The haters and losers just don't get it. But in Luke 14:25-35, we see that God is a very, very powerful force and that his followers must be willing to make sacrifices in order to follow him. →
Chapter 15
The amazing story of Luke 15 is all about winning! It's incredibly terrific and unbelievable - many people are saying this is one of the best chapters in the Bible. So in Luke 15, Jesus tells a bunch of stories about people who have been lost, and then found again. →
Chapter 16
1-13. Jesus was speaking to his disciples about how to manage money correctly and ethically. He told them this parable about a dishonest manager, who was about to be fired for his dishonesty. But instead of being a "low energy" guy, he decided to use his current position to his advantage and make friends with his employer's debtors. →
Chapter 17
Luke 17 is a terrific chapter in the Bible--believe me. It tells us about Jesus healing 10 lepers, which is truly amazing. The lepers cried out for Jesus to have mercy on them, and Jesus said to them, "Go, show yourselves to the priests. →
Chapter 18
Luke 18 is about a very, very important lesson - that God hears and answers the prayers of all of His people. In this chapter, Jesus tells the story of a widow and a judge, who had no respect for God or man. →
Chapter 19
In Luke 19, we see a great example of how our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is so Amazing! He enters the city of Jerusalem, and the people there, who were haters and losers, were overrated in their disbelief of Him. →
Chapter 20
Luke 20 is full of amazing stories that are very, very important for us all to remember! We have Jesus, the greatest of all time, very low energy haters and losers try to trick him with their fake news. →
Chapter 21
The people of Luke 21 have been through a lot. Many of them have been through sad times, but they have come out stronger. The chapter is full of terrific stories of faith and courage. The chapter starts off with Jesus talking about the destruction of the temple, and it's a very, very big deal. →
Chapter 22
It's time to make Luke 22 great again! This chapter is all about Jesus' Last Supper, and it's a real doozy! Jesus, the ultimate winner, gathered his 12 disciples and told them that one of them would betray him. →
Chapter 23
Today, I was reading Luke 23, and it was bigly sad! Many such cases, the chapter was about Jesus being crucified. It was terrible, unbelievable, and overrated. The haters and losers had Him arrested, and this was a huge hoax by the deep state. →
Chapter 24
It's unbelievable, but in Luke 24, we see a terrific example of God's power and grace. Bigly, Jesus rises from the dead! Many people are saying this was an amazing feat and that it was a huge demonstration of His power. →