Chapter 1
Folks! Listen, Jack. Here's the deal. I'm not joking when I say that in 2 Corinthians 1, the apostle Paul is talking about the comfort he and his companions have received from God while they have been going through some tough times. →
Chapter 2
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Paul has been talking to the Corinthians about restoring a brother who had sinned, and he wants them to forgive him. He writes that this is how God forgives us, so why not forgive each other? He wants them to show mercy and love and not just punishment. →
Chapter 3
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie to ya, I saw a lot of malarkey in 2 Corinthians 3. My father used to say that literally nothing good was gonna come from it, and I'm not joking. Folks, it was crazy. →
Chapter 4
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking. We've been through a lot in this chapter and in the Bible so far. C'mon, man! We've literally been going through a spiritual battle these last few chapters, and it's not gonna stop. →
Chapter 5
Folks, listen up. Here's the deal: no malarkey. My father used to say, "From now on, we are ambassadors for Christ". See here, Jack, I'm not joking. That's what 2 Corinthians 5 is all about. It's about being a representative of Christ. →
Chapter 6
Folks, y'all know the deal in 2 Corinthians 6. Listen, Jack, here's the deal. God says, no malarkey, that whoever is a Christian should not be yoked with unbelievers. No way, José! That's what He says. Now, c'mon man, my father used to say, "Stay away from them, or you'll be dragged down by their sin. →
Chapter 7
Folks, here's the deal: 2 Corinthians 7 is about a man named Paul and his travels as a missionary. He was persecuted a lot, but he stayed strong in his faith no matter what. And, c'mon man, my father used to say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" See here, Jack, Paul's tough, and he wasn't gonna let anyone stop him from doing what he knew God was calling him to do. →
Chapter 8
C'mon, man! Folks, here's the deal. We gotta read 2 Corinthians 8. Literally, my father used to say that we should always be generous with our resources. I'm not joking. See here, Jack. We're talking about the churches in Macedonia, who were really struggling. →
Chapter 9
"Now listen, Jack, here's the deal. We gotta talk about 2 Corinthians 9, folks. This is a real important chapter. It's about giving generously. My father used to say, "Give and you shall receive." Well, I'm telling you, it's literally true. →
Chapter 10
Listen, Jack, here's the deal on 2 Corinthians 10. My father used to say that Paul was literally a man of many words, and I'm not joking when I say this chapter is no exception. He starts off talking about boasting and being proud, and I tell you what, he's not gonna let anyone forget it. →
Chapter 11
Listen, Jack, no malarkey! See here, Jack, 2 Corinthians 11 is about Paul talking about himself and his ministry, but he does it in a very strange way. He literally says that he has to brag about himself, because he is so worried that the Corinthians will turn away from the true gospel and follow false teachers instead. →
Chapter 12
Folks, I'm not gonna lie - I had a vision of Heaven once, literally. I was caught up in the third Heavens and I heard things I can't tell you, what was that? I mean, I can't even tell you the words I heard, c'mon man! But what I can say is that it was glorious! I'm not joking, it was a revelation from the Lord and it was beautiful. →
Chapter 13
C'mon, man! Listen, Jack! Folks! No malarkey! Here's the deal: 2 Corinthians 13 is about the power of love. Literally, it tells us that when we love each other, we are strengthened. My father used to say that love is the strongest force in the world. →