Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking. We've been through a lot in this chapter and in the Bible so far. C'mon, man! We've literally been going through a spiritual battle these last few chapters, and it's not gonna stop. But my father used to say, if we keep our eyes on Jesus, then we can make it through. We can make it through the darkness that's been thrown at us. Not just darkness, but literally, people will try to throw lies and deceptions at us, too. And I'm telling you, if we keep our eyes on Jesus, then no malarkey! We can make it through. See here, Jack, that's why we need to have the faith of a mustard seed, so that we can have the strength to make it through. What was that? I said we need the faith of a mustard seed. Or uh, you know, the strength of a champion. Excuse me, but that's what we need. So let's keep our eyes on Jesus, folks. I tell you what, with Him on our side, there's nothing we can't do.