Batman: Robin, let us take a look at 2 Corinthians 4!
Robin: Right, Batman!
Batman: In this chapter, the apostle Paul speaks of the responsibility of those who are entrusted with the message of the gospel. He says that we should not be too ashamed of our weaknesses, for God's power is made perfect in our weakness.
Catwoman: What a wonderful message!
Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. Paul then speaks of the hope that we have through Jesus and how we should not lose sight of that hope. He says that we should use our troubles as a way to glorify God.
Robin: Wow, that's a powerful message.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Paul also speaks of how we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses and how we should persevere in our faith. He ends the chapter by encouraging us to live with integrity and to use our gifts to glorify God.
Joker: Bah! That's no fun at all!