Chapter 1
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! It's time to learn about John 1! Robin: Holy bible, Batman! I'm ready to read up on John 1. Batman: In John 1, we learn about the Word of God and how He was with God in the beginning and how He created everything. →
Chapter 2
Jesus Changes Water into Wine. Batman: We must intervene, Robin! Jesus is at a wedding, and the host has run out of wine! Robin: Holy hangover, Batman! How will he save the day? Catwoman: Oh, I'm sure he's got a trick or two up his sleeve! →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, there is a man named Nicodemus who is seeking out knowledge from Jesus. Robin: Gosh, Batman, do you think he'll learn anything from this mysterious figure? Batman: It seems like he will, Robin. →
Chapter 4
Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! What have we here? Batman: Indeed, Robin! It appears that Jesus has just arrived in Samaria, and He's on His way to Galilee. Joker: Pfft, why would anyone want to go to Galilee? It's a boring, uneventful place! →
Chapter 5
Batman: (speaking to Robin) Robin, we must go to Jerusalem! Robin: What's the mission, Batman? Batman: We must investigate why Jesus healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath! Joker: (popping up unexpectedly) Hehehe! What makes you think the man was healed? →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, something strange is happening in Chapter 6 of the Bible. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Well, Jesus has just fed a crowd of 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fishes! →
Chapter 7
Batman: Robin, what is this? Robin: It's John 7, Batman! Batman: Ah, yes. I'm sensing something sinister in this chapter. What does it say? Catwoman: It talks about Jesus teaching in the temple and people's reactions to him. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Robin, it seems that Jesus is at it again. He's been teaching in the temple courts and the people are really listening. Robin: That's incredible, Batman! What did he have to say this time? Batman: Jesus asked if any of the people had committed any sin. →
Chapter 9
(Batman and Robin are walking down the street, discussing the events of the previous chapter.) Robin: Gosh Batman, that was quite a miracle we saw back there in John 8! Batman: Indeed it was, Robin. But let's keep our minds open and see what else Jesus has in store for us in chapter 9. →
Chapter 10
Robin: Holy cow, Batman! What's happening in John 10? Batman: Robin, it appears that Jesus is talking to the people about being the Good Shepherd. He explains that a real shepherd knows and cares for his sheep, and that his sheep know and respond to his voice. →
Chapter 11
Robin: Holy resurrection, Batman! What's happening in the Bible chapter of John 11? Batman: The dead are coming back to life, Robin! Joker: Ha ha ha! What a hoot! I'm loving this! Batman: Joker! It's no laughing matter. →
Chapter 12
1-8 Batman: Holy Bounteous Banquet, Robin! We have just come across a very interesting situation in John 12. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It appears that Jesus is being honored at a dinner party by a certain Lazarus, who has been raised from the dead. →
Chapter 13
Batman: Robin, look! The Bible tells us that Jesus is washing the feet of his disciples! Robin: Holy Moley, Batman! What do you think it means? Joker: It means that Jesus is humbling himself and showing us all how to serve one another. →
Chapter 14
Batman: Robin, it's time to review John 14! Robin: Right-ho, Batman! Batman: In this chapter, Jesus speaks to his disciples and tells them that they must believe in him and his teachings in order to get to heaven. →
Chapter 15
Batman: Ah, Robin, it's time we talked about John 15. Robin: What does it tell us, Batman? Batman: It tells us about the importance of Jesus being the true vine and us being the branches. We must stay connected to Jesus if we want to bear fruit. →
Chapter 16
Batman: Robin, I fear what lies ahead in the Bible chapter we are about to discuss. Robin: Don't worry, Batman. I'm sure it will be just as interesting as the last one. Joker: Very interesting, indeed! What's it about? →
Chapter 17
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We are now at John 17. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It is Jesus, in his prayer to God, that he may protect his disciples from the world. Catwoman: Sounds like a noble cause. →
Chapter 18
Batman: Robin, we must investigate the events of John 18. Robin: What are we looking for, Batman? Batman: Jesus was taken before the High Priest and was put on trial. Catwoman: Oh, how exciting! What happened next? →
Chapter 19
Batman: "Robin, it's time to battle the forces of evil in John 19!" Robin: "What's the evil plan this time, Batman?" Batman: "It's a grim one, Robin. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, has decided to have Jesus crucified. →
Chapter 20
Batman: Holy Resurrection, Robin! Mary Magdalene has just seen the Lord! Robin: You mean Jesus has come back to life? Batman: That's right, old chum! Mary Magdalene was the first to see him after the resurrection. →
Chapter 21
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's happening in this chapter? Batman: Well, Robin, it looks like Jesus has just met up with His disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He cooks up some breakfast for them and then He talks to Peter. →