Chapter 1
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! The book of Zechariah is a prophet's message from the Lord, delivered to the people of Judah. Robin: What did the Lord have to say, Batman? Batman: He spoke a warning of punishment, reminding them of their sins and the consequences of disobedience. →
Chapter 2
Robin: Holy smoke! Look, Batman, it's the prophet, Zechariah! Batman: Greetings, Zechariah, what news do you bring? Zechariah: I bring the word of the Lord: A great multitude shall come to Jerusalem and the city shall be inhabited by those who will live in it. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, the Lord has chosen Joshua the high priest to be a symbol of his people and to be a sign of his favor. Robin: That's great news, Batman! Catwoman: But why him? Batman: The Lord promised to give him a new name that would bring him honor, and he would be a symbol that the Lord will remove the sins of his people. →
Chapter 4
Batman: Robin, it's time to read Zechariah chapter 4! Robin: Right away, Batman! Batman: Zechariah had a vision of a lampstand with a bowl on top of it and seven lamps on it. Above it were two olive trees, one to the right and one to the left. →
Chapter 5
Batman: Holy smoke, Robin! Look at this! Robin: What is it? Batman: It's a scroll with a flying scroll. It's right out of the Bible - Zechariah 5. It says that this scroll brings God's curse on the people of the earth. →
Chapter 6
Batman: "Ah, Robin, I see we've arrived in the book of Zechariah! What do you make of this chapter, my boy?" Robin: "Well, Batman, it seems to be about four chariots that are going out in different directions!" →
Chapter 7
Batman: Ah, Robin - it's time to learn about the seventh chapter of Zechariah. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: The Lord sends a message to the people of Bethel, asking why they continue to fast and mourn when the Lord no longer requires them to do so. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Old man Zechariah had a vision, Robin. He heard the Lord of Hosts speaking to him. Robin: What did the Lord say, Batman? Batman: He said that the Lord of Hosts will be with His people in Zion, and that He will return to Jerusalem to dwell there forever. →
Chapter 9
Batman: Robin, the book of Zechariah tells us that the Lord will be a shield to His people. Robin: And what does that mean, Batman? Batman: It means that He will protect them from their enemies. Zechariah tells us that He will save them from all their troubles and distress. →
Chapter 10
Robin: Gosh, Batman, what's happening in the Bible this chapter? Batman: Zechariah 10, Robin. A prophecy of hope and a warning of judgement. The Riddler: (suddenly appearing) Ah-ha! I'm here to add a little twist of intrigue, Batman! →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, the book of Zechariah is full of mysterious visions and prophecies. In Chapter 11, the Lord commands us to open the door of the sheepfold and set the sheep free. Robin: Holy sheep, Batman! What does that mean? →
Chapter 12
Batman: (speaking into communicator) Robin, come in! Robin: This is Robin, what's up? Batman: (speaking into communicator) I just read Zechariah 12, and it's a doozy! Robin: What did you find out, Batman? →
Chapter 13
Batman: Robin, have you heard about the prophecy of Zechariah? Robin: I sure have, Batman! It's said that God will purify the people of Israel, destroying their false prophets and idols. Batman: That's right, Robin. →
Chapter 14
Batman: Robin, I've just been studying the Bible. Let's take a look at chapter fourteen of Zechariah. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: Ah, this chapter speaks of a great battle that will take place in Jerusalem. →