Batman: (speaking into communicator) Robin, come in!

Robin: This is Robin, what's up?

Batman: (speaking into communicator) I just read Zechariah 12, and it's a doozy!

Robin: What did you find out, Batman?

Batman: It says that God is going to save Jerusalem and judge its people. He'll give them courage and strength to fight their enemies.

Robin: Wow, that sounds serious!

Joker: (suddenly appearing) Not serious enough for me! I want to see more action!

Batman: Joker, you're out of line! God will also pour out His Spirit on all people, so that everyone will be able to recognize Him.

Joker: (scoffs) Why would I care about that?

Catwoman: Maybe because it means that even you can be saved, Joker!

Joker: What? No way!

Batman: That's right, Joker. No matter who you are, God will have mercy on you if you repent and turn to Him.

Robin: That's a powerful message, Batman.

Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. Let's not forget it!